Stormwater Pond Maintenance and Vegetation Removal - Parris Island, SC
This project was to provide all labor, material and equipment to clean, repair and restore the Wake Village and Weapons Sound area storm water ponds at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, to original condition. Standard sediment and erosion control measures were implemented and identified in the Protection Plan. Proper sediment and erosion controls were implemented (silt fence, inlet protection, silt bags, etc.).

Remedial Investigation and Excavation FTMP-14 Crematory Site, Fort McPherson, Georgia
In September 2013 HCR was awarded a contract to conduct Remedial Investigation and Excavation of contaminated soils at a former Crematory Site on Fort McPherson, a closed military installation. The crematory was built in the late 1880's, was used to burn medical waste and operated until it was destroyed by a fire and burned to the ground in the 1920's. Ash and debris from the operation of the crematory was dumped in the area and following the destruction of the building, the ash and debris was covered with soil. As a result of the Defense Base Realignment and Closure Act, the installation known as Ft. McPherson is closed and future reuse requires the site to be cleaned

HCR is responsible for developing a project for the removal of the contaminated soil and disposal of this soil at a licensed landfill. Once soil samples confirm contamination is removed, HCR will then complete the excavation, backfill and perform site restoration. Supporting work includes groundwater sampling, design, implementation of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, field surveys to layout the excavation, surveys of the final excavation and then a topographic survey of the backfilled site. HCR will also re-establish ground cover and then prepare a final report. Contaminants of concern to be removed with the soil include semi-volatile organics (SVOCs) and metals.